Title | Author(s) | Year | Journal | Publication Link |
Cheap gulp foraging of a giga-predator enables efficient exploitation of sparse prey | Videsen, S. et al. | 2023 | Science Advances | DOI |
Long-term patterns in ecosystem phenology near Palmer Station, Antarctica | Cimino, M. et al. | 2023 | Ecosphere | DOI |
Deployment of biologging tags on free swimming large whales using uncrewed aerial systems | Wiley, D.N. et al. | 2023 | Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
Minimum body size constraints of intermittent engulfment filtration feeding | Cade, D…A.S. Friedlaender | 2023 | Nature Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
A surplus no more? Variation in krill availability impacts reproductive rates of Antarctic baleen whales | Pallin…and A.S. Friedlaender | 2023 | Global Change Biology | DOI |
Variation in stress hormone levels in a recovering humpback whale population inhabiting a rapidly changing environment | Pallin…and A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Scientific Reports | DOI |
Demography of an ice-obligate mysticete in a region of rapid environmental change | Pallin, L…and A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
Field measurements reveal the exceptional potential for microplastic ingestion by rorqual whales | Kahane-Rapport, S. et al. | 2022 | Nature Communications | DOI |
Seasonal gain in body condition of foraging humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula | Beirlich, K. et al | 2022 | Frontiers in Marine Science | DOI |
Baleen whale inhalation variability revealed using animal-borne video tags | Nazario, E., Cade, D., Beirlich, K., Czapanskiy, M., Goldbogen, J., Kahane-Rapport, S., Van der Hoop, J., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Peer J | DOI |
Fast and Furious: energetic tradeoffs and scaling of high-speed foraging in rorqual whales | Gough, W., et al. | 2022 | Integrative and Organismal Biology | DOI |
Short-finned pilot whales exhibit behavioral plasticity in foraging strategies mediated by their environment | Shearer, J., et al. | 2022 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
From individual responses to population effects: integrating a decade of multidisciplinary research on blue whales and sonar | Pirotta, E. et al. | 2022 | Animal Conservation | DOI |
Spatiotemporal overlap of baleen whales and krill fisheries in the Antarctic Peninsula region | Reisinger, R., Trathan, P., Johnson, C., Joyce, T., Durban, J. Pitman, R. and A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Frontiers in Marine Science | DOI |
Predator-derived bioregions in the Southern Oceans: characteristics, drivers, and representation in Marine Protected Areas | Reisinger, R. et al. | 2022 | Biological Conservation | DOI |
A sampling, exposure and receptor framework for identifying factors that modulate behavioral response to disturbance | Booth, C. et al. | 2022 | Journal of Animal Ecology | DOI |
Acoustic signaling in associated behavior of Antarctic minke whales | Casey, C.B., Weindorf, S., Levy, E., Linsky, J.M.J., Cade, D.E., Goldbogen, J.A., Nowacek, D.P., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
Intra-seasonal variation in feeding rates and diel foraging behavior in a seasonally fasting mammal, the humpback whale | Nichols, R….A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
Scaling of Maneuvering performance in baleen whales | Segre, P. et al. | 2022 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Using seabird and whale distribution models to estimate spatial consumption of krill to inform fishery management | Warwick-Evans, V. et al. | 2022 | Ecosphere | DOI |
Size-selective predation by Antarctic humpback whales | Cade, D. E., Kahane-Rapport, S.R., Oestreich, W., Ryan, J., Warren, J., Calmbokidis, J., Hazen, E., Friedlaender, A. S. | 2022 | Frontiers in Marine Science | DOI |
Risk reward trade-offs drive sex-specific foraging strategies in a sexually dimorphic predator | Kienle, S., Friedlaender, A.S., Crocker, D.E., Mehta, R.S., and D.P. Costa | 2022 | Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
The Effect of Group Size on Individual Roles and the Potential for Cooperation in Group Bubble-net Feeding Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Mastick, N. Wiley, D., Ware, C., Parks, S., Cade, D., Goldbogen, J., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Integrating remote sensing methods during controlled exposure experiments to quantify group responses of dolphins to navy sonar | Durban, J.W., Southall, B.L., Calambokidis, J., Casey, C.B., Fearnbach, H., Joyce, TW., Fahlbusch, J.A., Oudjens, M.G., Fregosi, S., Friedlaender, A.S., Kellar, N.M., and F. Visser | 2022 | Marine Pollution Bulletin | DOI |
Ecosystem-based management of the Antarctic krill fishery- the devils are in the detail’ at small spatial and temporal scales | Trathan, P., Warwick-Evans, V., Young, E., Friedlaender, A.S., Kim, J-H, and N. Kokubun. | 2022 | Journal of Marine Systems | DOI |
High-resolution foraging measurements reveal baleen whales as global climate engineers | Savoca, M., Friedlaender, A.S…Goldbogen, J.A. et al. | 2021 | Nature | DOI |
First description of migratory behavior of humpback whales from an Antarctic feeding ground to a tropical calving ground | Modest, M., Irvine, L., Andrews-Goff, V., Gough, W., Johnston, D., Nowacek, D., Pallin, L., Read, A., Moore, R.T. and Friedlaender, A. | 2021 | Animal Biotelemetry | DOI |
Sympatry and resource partitioning between the largest krill consumers around the Antarctic Peninsula | Friedlaender, AS, Joyce, T., Johnston, DW, Read, AJ, Nowacek, DP, Goldbogen, JA, Gales, N, and JW Durban | 2021 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
The Southern Ocean exchange- porous boundaries between humpback whale breeding populations in southern polar waters | Sousa-Lima, R. et al. | 2021 | Scientific Reports | DOI |
Habitat model forecasts suggest potential redistribution of marine predators in the southern Indian Ocean | Reisinger, R. et al. | 2021 | Diversity and Distributions | DOI |
Comparing uncertainty associated with 1-,2-, and 3D aerial photogrammetry-based body condition measurements of baleen whales | Bierlich, K., Schick, R., Hewitt, J., Dale, J. Goldbogen, J., Friedlaender A.S., Read, A., and D.W. Johnston | 2021 | Frontiers in Marine Science | DOI |
Social exploitation of extensive, ephemeral, environmentally controlled prey patches by super-groups of rorqual whales | Cade, D. Fahlbusch, J., Oestreich, W., Ryan, J., Calambokidis, J., Findlay, K., Friedlaender, A., Hazen, E., Seakamela, M., and J. Goldbogen | 2021 | Animal Behavior | DOI |
Tools for integrating accelerometry data with video bio-loggers, including estimation of animal orientation, motion and position | Cade, D. et al. | 2021 | Animal Biotelemetry | DOI |
Visualizing life in the deep: a creative pipeline for data-driven animations to facilitate marine mammal research, outreach, and conservation | Kendall-Barr, J. et al. | 2021 | IEEE VIS Arts Program | DOI |
Bayesian approach for predicting photogrammetric uncertainty in morphometric measurements derived from drones | Bierlich, K.C., Schick, R.S., Hewitt, J., Dale, J., Goldbogen, J.A., Friedlaender, A.S., and D.W. Johnston | 2021 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
In-situ observations of the sensory hairs of Antarctic minke whales | Reichmuth, C., Casey, C.B., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2021 | Anatomical Record | DOI |
Confronting assumptions about prey selection by lunge-feeding whales using a process-based model | Chenoweth, EM, Boswell, K, Friedlaender, AS. Et al. | 2021 | Functional Ecology | DOI |
Combining regional habitat selection models for large-scale prediction: circumpolar habitat selection of Southern Ocean humpback whales | Reisinger et al. | 2021 | Remote Sensing | DOI |
Biomechanically distinct filter-feeding behaviors distinguish sei whales as a functional intermediate and ecologically flexible species | Segre, P., Weir, C., Stanworth, A., Cartwright, S., Friedlaender, A.S., and J.A. Goldbogen | 2021 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Context-dependent variability in the predicted daily energetic costs of disturbance for blue whales | Pirotta, E. et al. | 2021 | Conservation Physiology | DOI |
Migratory connections among breeding grounds off the Eastern Pacific and feeding areas in the Antarctic Peninsula based on genotype matching | Caballero, S. et al. | 2021 | Bulletin of Marine and Costal Research | DOI |
Adult male Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) engage in prolonged bouts of synchronous diving | Cioffi, W. et al. | 2021 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Marine ecosystem assessment for the Southern Ocean: seabirds and marine mammals | Bestley, S. et al. | 2020 | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
Remoras pick where they stick and surf on blue whales | Flammang, B. et al. | 2020 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Animal-borne measures of behavior enable acoustic detection of migration in dispersed populations | Oestreich, W., Fahlbusch, J., Cade, D., Calambokidis, J., Margolina, T., Joseph, J., Friedlaender, A., McKenna, M., Stimpert, A., Southall, B. Goldbogen, J., and J. Ryan | 2020 | Current Biology | DOI |
The scale of the whale: using video-tag data to evaluate sea ice concentration from the perspective of individual Antarctic minke whales | Linksy, J., Wilson, N., Cade, D. Johnston, D.W., Goldbogen, J.A., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2020 | Animal Biotelemetry | DOI |
Space vs Sea: a novel method for estimating baleen whale density | Bamford, C.C.G., Kelly, N., Dalla Rossa, L., Cade, D.E., Fretwell, P., Trathan, P.N., Cubaynes, H., Mesquita, A. Gerrish, L., Friedlaender, A.S., and J.A. Jackson | 2020 | Scientific Reports | DOI |
Lunge filter feeding biomechanics constrain rorqual foraging ecology across scale | Kahane-Rapport, S.R., M.S. Savoca, D.E. Cade, P.S. Segre, KC Bierlich, J.A. Calambokidis, J. Dale, A.S. Friedlaender, D.W. Johnston, A.J. Werth, and J.A. Goldbogen | 2020 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
A dynamic approach to estimate the probability of exposure of marine predators to oil exploration seismic surveys over continental shelf waters | Huckstadt, L., Schwarz, L., Friedlaender, A.S., Mate, B., Zerbini, A., Kennedy, A., Robbins, J., Gales, N. and D.P. Costa | 2020 | Endangered Species Research | DOI |
Longer migration not necessarily the costliest strategy for migrating humpback whales | Riekkola, L., Andrews Goff, V., Friedlaender, A.S., Zerbini, A. and R. Constantine | 2020 | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems | DOI |
Tracking predator communities to protect the Southern Ocean | Hindell, M.A., Reisinger, R., et al. | 2020 | Nature | DOI |
The retrospective analysis of Antarctic tracking data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research | Ropert-Coudert, Y., et al. 2020 | 2020 | Scientific Data | DOI |
Energetic and physical limitations on the breaching performance of large whales | Segre, P. et al. | 2020 | eLife | DOI |
From a calf’s perspective: humpback whale nursing behavior on two US feeding grounds | Tackaberry JE, Cade DE, Goldbogen JA, Wiley DN, Friedlaender AS, Stimpert AK | 2020 | Peer J | DOI |
Why whales are big but not bigger: physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants | Goldobgen, J.A. et al. | 2019 | Science | DOI |
Scaling of swimming performance in the largest animals | Gough, W.T. et al. | 2019 | Journal fo Experimental Biology | DOI |
Accounting for Positional Uncertainty When Modeling Received Levels for Tagged Cetaceans Exposed to Sonar | Schick, R., Bowers, M.T., DeRuiter, S., Friedlaender, A.S., Joseph, J., Margolina, T., Nowacek, D.P., and B.L. Southall | 2019 | Aquatic Mammals | DOI |
Drones and convolutional neural networks facilitate automated and accurate cetacean species identification and photogrammetry | Gray, P.C., Bierlich, KC, Mantell, S.A., Friedlaender, A.S., Goldbogen, J.A., and D.W. Johnston | 2019 | Methods in Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
Extreme bradycardia and tachycardia in the world’s largest animal | Goldbogen, J., Cade, D., Calambokidis, J., Czapanskiy, J., Fahlbusch, J., Friedlaender, A., Gough, W., Kahane-Rapport, M., Savoca, K., and P. Ponganis | 2019 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | DOI |
Differential Vulnerability to Ship Strikes Between Day and Night for Blue, Fin, and Humpback Whales Based on Dive and Movement Data From Medium Duration Archival Tags | Calambokidis, J., Fahlbusch, J.A., Szesciorka, A.R., Southall, B.L., Cade, D.E., Friedlaender, A. and Goldbogen, J.A. | 2019 | Frontiers in Marine Science | DOI |
Translating Marine Animal Tracking Data into Conservation Policy and Management | Hays, G. et al. | 2019 | Trends in Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
Antarctic futures: an assessment of climate-driven changes in ecosystem structure, function, and service provisioning in the Southern Ocean | Rogers, A.D., Frinault, B.A.V., Barnes, D.K.A., Bindoff, N.L., Downie, R., Ducklow, H.W., Friedlaender, A.S., Hart, T., Hill, S.L., Hofmann, E.E. and Linse, K. | 2019 | Annual review of marine science | DOI |
The importance of migratory connectivity for global ocean policy | Dunn, D., et al. | 2019 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B | DOI |
Behavioral and environmental context of Antarctic minke whale vocalizations | Weindorf, S., Cade, D., Casey, C.B., Friedlaender, A., Goldbogen, J., Levy, E., Linsky, J. and Nowacek, D. | 2019 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | DOI |
Scaling of swimming performance in baleen whales | Gough, W. et al. | 2019 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Environmental influence on humpback whale foraging behavior in the remote Southern Ocean | Riekkola, L. Andrews-Goff, V., Friedlaender, A.S., Constantine, R., and A. Zerbini | 2019 | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology | DOI |
Diving behavior and fine-scale kinematics of free-ranging Risso’s dolphins foraging in shallow and deep-water habitats | Arranz, P., Benoit-Bird, K., Friedlaender, A.S., Hazen, E.L., Goldbogen, J.A., Stimpert, A.K., DeRuiter, S.L., Calambokidis, J., Southall, B., Fahlman, A. and Tyack, P.L. | 2019 | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
Common and Antarctic Minke Whales: Conservation Status and Future Research Directions | Risch, D., Norris, T., Curock, M. and A.S. Friedlaender | 2019 | Frontiers in Marine Science | DOI |
Behavioral responses of individual blue whales to mid-frequency military sonar | Southall, B.L., DeRuiter, S, Friedlaender, A.S., et al. | 2019 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Variability and change in the west Antarctic Peninsula marine ecosystem: research priorities and opportunities | Henley, S. et al. | 2019 | Progress in Oceanography | DOI |
Convergence of movement patterns of marine megafauna in coastal and open oceans | Sequeira, AMM, et al. 2018 | 2018 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | DOI |
The advantages of diving deep: fin whales quadruple their energy intake when targeting deep krill patches | Friedlaender, A.S., Bowers, M.T., Cade, D., Hazen, E.L., Stimpert, A.K., Allen, A., Calambokidis, J., Southall, B.L., and J.A. Goldbogen. | 2019 | Functional Ecology | DOI |
Assessing the potential exposure of migratory animals to disturbance | Costa, D. Huckstadt, L., Schwarz, L., Friedlaender, A.S., Mate, B., Zerbini, A.N., Kennedy, A., and N. Gales | 2018 | Book of Abstracts | DOI |
Risso’s dolphins plan foraging dives | Arranz, P., Benoit-Bird, K.J., Southall, B.L., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A.S. and Tyack, P.L., | 2018 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Body flexibility enhances maneuverability in the world’s largest predator | Segre, P., Cade, D.E., Calambokidis, J., Fish, F.E., Friedlaender, A.S., Potvin J., and J. Goldbogen | 2018 | Integrative and Comparative Biology | DOI |
Capturing foraging and resting behavior using nested multivariate Markov models in an air-breathing marine vertebrate | Weinstein, B., Irvine, L., and A. Friedlaender | 2018 | Movement Ecology | DOI |
Context-dependent variability in blue whale acoustic behaviour | Lewis, L. et al. | 2018 | Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
Selective reactions to different killer whale call categories in two delphinid species | Bowers et al. | 2018 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
A multivariate mixed hidden Markov model for blue whale behaviour and responses to sound exposure | DeRuiter, S. et al. | 2017 | The Annals of Applied Statistics | DOI |
Context-dependent lateralized feeding strategies in blue whales | Friedlaender, A. et al. | 2017 | Current Biology | DOI |
Temporal and regional variability in the skin microbiome of humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula | Bierlich, C., Miller, C., DeForce, E., Friedlaender, A., Johnston, D., and Amy Apprill | 2018 | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | DOI |
Application of a multi-disciplinary approach to reveal population structure and Southern Ocean feeding grounds of humpback whales | Reikkola, L. et al. | 2018 | Ecological Indicators | DOI |
High pregnancy rates in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) around the Western Antarctic Peninsula, evidence of a rapidly growing population | Pallin, L. et al. | 2018 | Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
Validation of a blubber-based endocrine pregnancy test for humpback whales | Pallin, L., Robbins, J., Kellar, N., Berube, M., and A. Friedlaender | 2018 | Conservation Physiology | DOI |
Body density of humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) in feeding aggregations estimated from hydrodynamic gliding performance | Narazaki, T., et al. | 2018 | PLoS One | DOI |
Identifying overlap between humpback whale foraging grounds and the Antarctic krill fishery | Weinstein, B. Johnston, D., Double, M., and A. Friedlaender | 2017 | Biological Conservation | DOI |
Dynamic foraging of a top predator in a seasonal polar marine environment | Weinstein, B. and A. Friedlaender | 2017 | Oecologia | DOI |
Determining forward speed from accelerometer jiggle in aquatic environments | Cade, D.E., Barr, K.R., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A., and J.A. Goldbogen | 2018 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Spatial niche partitioning may promote coexistence of Pygoscelis penguins as climate‐induced sympatry occurs | Pickett, EP, Fraser, WR, Patterson, D, Cimino, MA, Torres, LG, and A Friedlaender | 2018 | Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
Hierarchical foraging movement of humpback whales relative to the structure of their prey | Kirchner, T. Wiley, D. Hazen, E. Parks, S. Torres, L. and A.S. Friedlaender | 2018 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
Behavior of satellite-tracked Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) in relation to environmental factors around the western Antarctic Peninsula | Lee, J.F., Friedlaender, A.S., Oliver, M.J., and T.L. DeLiberty | 2017 | Animal Biotelemetry | DOI |
Physical speciation and solubility of iron from baleen whale faecal matera | Ratnarajah, L., Lannuzel, D. thwonsend, A.T., Meiners, K., Nicol, S. Friedlaender, A.S., and A.R. Bowie | 2017 | Marine Chemistry | DOI |
Avoidance responses of Atlantic and Pacific minke whales to 1-4 kHz Naval Sonar | Kvadsheim, P. et al. | 2017 | Marine Pollution Bulletin | DOI |
The Effect of Group Size on Individual Roles and the Potential for Cooperation in Group Bubble-net Feeding Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Mastick, N. Wiley, D., Ware, C., Parks, S., Cade, D., Goldbogen, J., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2022 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Using digital tags with integrated video and inertial sensors to study moving morphology and associated behavior in large aquatic vertebrates | Goldbogen, J., Cade, D., Boersma, A., Calambokidis, J., Kahane-Rapport, S., Segre, P., Stimpert, A., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2017 | Anatomical Record | DOI |
Assessing the potential exposure of animals to acoustic disturbance: towards an understanding of the population consequences of disturbance | Costa, D. Huckstadt, L., Schwarz, L., Friedlaender, A.S., Mate, B., Zerbini, A.N., and N. Gales | 2016 | Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics | DOI |
Noise impacts on social sound production of foraging humpback whales | Parks, S.E., Cusano, D., Bocconcelli, A., Friedlaender, A.S., and D. Wiley | 2016 | Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics | DOI |
Prey-mediated behavioral responses of feeding blue whales in controlled sound exposure experiments | Friedlaender, A.S., Hazen, E.L. Goldbogen, J.A., Stimpert, A.K., Calambokidis, J., and B.L. Southall | 2016 | Ecological Applications | DOI |
Two-step decisions in a marine central-place forager | Friedlaender, A.S., Johnston, D.W., Goldbogen, J.A., Tyson, R.B., Stimpert, R.B., Hazen, E.L., Kaltenberg, A. and Nowacek, D.P. | 2016 | Proceedings of the Royal Society Open Science | DOI |
Key questions in marine megafauna movement ecology | Hays, G. et al. | 2016 | Trends in Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
Evidence for ship noise impacts on humpback whale foraging behavior | Blair, H., Merchant, N. Friedlaender, A.S., Wiley, C.N., and S.E. Parks | 2016 | Biology Letters | DOI |
Studying cetacean behavior: new technological windows and conservation applications | Nowacek, D.P., Christiansen, F., Bejder, L., Goldbogen, J., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2016 | Animal Behavior | DOI |
Does optimal foraging theory predict the feeding performance of a large air-breathing marine predator? | Tyson, R.B., Friedlaender, A.S., and D.P. Nowacek | 2016 | Animal Behavior | DOI |
Discrimination of fast click series produced by tagged Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) for echolocation or communication | Arranz, P, DeRuiter, SL, Stimpert, AK, Neves, S, Friedlaender, AS, Goldbogen JA, Calambokidis, J, and Southall, BL | 2016 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
First simultaneous measurements of skull and body kinematics demonstrate prey-dependent and interspecies diversity of rorqual feeding mechanics | Cade, D., Friedlaender, A.S., Calambokidis, J., and J.A. Goldbogen | 2016 | Current Biology | DOI |
Development of an automated system for detecting stereotyped feeding events in multi-sensor tag data | Allen, A., Goldbogen, J.A., Friedlaender, A.S., and J. Calambokidis | 2016 | Ecology and Evolution | DOI |
How Baleen Whales Feed: The Biomechanics of Engulfment and Filtration | Goldbogen, J.A., Cade, D., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A.S., Potvin, J., Segre, P., and A.J. Werth | 2017 | Annual Review of Marine Science | DOI |
Responses of Aquatic Ecosystems to Changing Antarctic Sea and Lake Ice Phenology | Obryk, M. K., Doran, P. T., Friedlaender, A.S., Gooseff, M., Priscu, J. C., Stammerjohn, S.E. and Ducklow, H.W. | 2016 | BioScience | DOI |
The effect of prey on the fine-scale foraging behavior of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Sitka Sound, Alaska | Burrows, J., Johnston, D.W., Straley, J.M., Chenoweth, E.M., Ware, C., Curtice, C., DeRuiter, S.L., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2016 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
Temporal stability and mixed-stock analyses of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the nearshore waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula | Albertson, G. R., et al. | 2017 | Polar Biology | DOI |
Hydrodynamic properties of fin whale flippers predict maximum rolling performance | Segre, P., Cade, D.E., Fish, F.E., Potvin J., Allen, A.N., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A.S., and J. Goldbogen | 2016 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Analyzing the effect of sonar exposure on the behavioral state-switching dynamics of blue whales | DeRuiter, S.L., Langrock, L., Skirbutas, T., Goldbogen, J.A., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A.S., and B.L. Southall | 2017 | Annals of Applied Statistics | DOI |
Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) optimize foraging efficiency by balancing oxygen use and energy gain as a function of prey density | Hazen, E.L., Friedlaender, A.S., and J.A. Goldbogen | 2015 | Science Advances | DOI |
Embracing conservation success: evaluating the case for downlisting the humpback whale conservation status in Australia | Bejder, M., Johnston, D.W., Smith, J., Friedlaender, A.S. and Bejder, L | 2015 | Marine Policy | DOI |
Sound production and associated behavior of tagged fin whales in the Southern California Bight | Stimpert, A.K., Friedlaender, A.S., et al. | 2015 | Animal Biotelemetry | DOI |
Spatially and temporally dynamic humpback whale feeding areas in the Antarctic | Curtice, C., Johnston, D., Gales, N., and A.S. Friedlaender | 2015 | Movement Ecology | DOI |
Prey density and distribution drive the three-dimensional foraging kinematics of the largest filter feeder | Goldbogen, JA, Hazen, EL, Friedlaender AS, Calambokidis, J, DeRuiter, S, Stimpert, A, and Southall, BL | 2015 | Functional Ecology | DOI |
Feeding rates and under-ice foraging strategies of the smallest bulk-filter feeder, the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) | Friedlaender, AS, Goldbogen, J.A., Nowacek, D.P., Read, A.J., Johnston, D.W., and Gales, N. | 2014 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Acoustic and foraging behavior of a tagged Baird’s beaked whale exposed to simulated sonar | Stimpert, A.K., DeRuiter, S., Southall, B., Moretti, D., Falcone, E., Goldbogen, J. Friedlaender, A.S., Schorr, G., and Calambokidis, J. | 2014 | Scientific Reports | DOI |
Counting whales in a challenging, changing environment | Williams, R., Friedlaender, A.S., et al. | 2014 | Scientific Reports | DOI |
Evidence for acoustic coordination of cooperative bottom feeding humpback whales | Parks, SE, Cusano, DA, Stimpert, AK, Weinrich, M, Friedlaender AS, and Wiley, DL | 2014 | Scientific Reports | DOI |
Using accelerometers to determine the calling behavior of tagged baleen whales | Goldbogen, J.G., Stimpert, A.K., DeRuiter, S.L., CAlambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A.S., Schorr, G.S., Moretti, D.J., Tyack, P.L., and Southall, B.L. | 2014 | Journal of Experimental Biology | DOI |
Mysterious ‘bioduck’ signal attributed to the Antarctic minke whale | Risch, D., Gales, N., Gedamke, J., Kindermann, L., Nowacek, D., Read, A., Siebert, U., Van Opzeeland, I., Van Parjis, S. and A.S. Friedlaender | 2014 | Biology Letters | DOI |
Feeding performance by sympatric blue and fin whales exploiting a common prey resource | Friedlaender, AS, Goldbogen, J., Hazen, E., Calambokidis, J., and Southall, B | 2014 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Bottom-roll feeding by humpback whales in the Southern Gulf of Maine | Ware, C. Wiley, D., Friedlaender, A., Weinrich, M., Abernathy, K., Hazen, E., Hurst, T., Stimpert, A., and Thompson, M. | 2014 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Strandings illustrate marine mammal biodiversity and human impacts off the coast of North Carolina | Byrd, B., Friedlaender, A.S., et al. | 2014 | Fishery Bulletin | DOI |
Extreme diel variation in the feeding behavior of humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula in autumn | Friedlaender, AS, Tyson, R., Stimpert, and Nowacek, D. | 2013 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
First direct measurements of behavioral responses by Cuvier’s beaked whales to mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar | DeRuiter, S., Southall, B., Friedlaender, A.S., et al. | 2013 | Biology Letters | DOI |
Blue whales respond to simulated mid-frequency military sonar | Goldbogen, J., Southall, B., Friedlaender, A.S. et al. | 2013 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B | DOI |
A quantitative analysis of the response of short-finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchus, to biopsy sampling | Crain, D., et al. | 2013 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Integrative approaches to the study of baleen whale diving behavior, feeding performance, and foraging ecology | Goldbogen, J., Friedlaender A.S. Calambokidis, J., McKenna, M. Simon, M., and Southall, B. | 2013 | BioScience | DOI |
Controlled sound exposure experiments to measure marine mammal reactions to sound: Southern California behavioral response study | Southall, B.L….Friedlaender, A.S. et al. | 2013 | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | DOI |
Population pharmacokinetics of doxycycline in tears and plasma of elephant seals following oral drug administration | Freeman, K., Thomasy, S., Stanley, S., Van Bonn, W., Gulland, F., Friedlaender, A.S., and Maggs, D. | 2013 | Journal of the American Veterinary Association | DOI |
Humpback whale “loud noises”: song and foraging behavior on an Antarctic feeding ground | Stimpert, A., Peavey, L., Friedlaender, A.S., and Nowacek, D.P. | 2012 | PLoS One | DOI |
The effects of climate change on harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) | Johnston, D.W., Bowers, M.T., Friedlaender, A.S., and Lavigne, D.M. | 2012 | PLoS One | DOI |
Underwater acrobatics by the world’s largest predator: 360 rolling maneuvers by lunge feeding blue whales | Goldbogen, J., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A.S., Francis, J., Deruiter, SL, Stimpert, AK, Falcone, E, and Southall, BL. | 2012 | Biology Letters | DOI |
Humpback whale mother and calf foraging behavior: insights from multi-sensor suction cup tags | Tyson, R., Friedlaender, A.S., Ware, C., Stimpert, A., and Nowacek, D.P. | 2012 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
Austral fall transition of mesozooplankton assemblages and krill aggregations in an embayment west of the Antarctic Peninsula | Espinase, B., Zhou, M., Zhu, Y., Hazen, E., Friedlaender, A.S., Nowacek, D.P., Chu, D., and F. Carlotti | 2012 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
Ecological niche modeling of sympatric krill predators around Marguerite Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula | Friedlaender, AS, Johnston, DW, Fraser, WR, Burns, J, Halpin, PN, Costa, DP | 2011 | Deep-Sea Research | DOI |
Super-aggregations of krill and humpback whales in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctic Peninsula | Nowacek, DP, Friedlaender, AS, Halpin, PN, Hazen, EL, Johnston, DW, Read, AJ, Espinasse, B, Zhou, M, and Y Zhu | 2011 | PLoS One | DOI |
Underwater components of humpback whale bubble-net feeding behavior | Wiley, D, Ware, C, Bocconcelli, A, Cholewiak, D, Friedlaender, AS, Thompson, M, Weinrich, M | 2011 | Behaviour | DOI |
Initial density Estimates of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the inshore waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula during late autumn | Johnston, DW, Friedlaender, AS, Read, AJ, Nowacek, DP | 2011 | Endangered Species Research | DOI |
Population-level lateralized feeding behavior in North Atlantic humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) | Canning, C, Crain, D, Eaton, S, Nuessly, K, Friedlaender, AS, Hurst, T, Parks, S, Ware, C, Wiley, D, Weinrich, M | 2011 | Animal Behaviour | DOI |
Cetacean Surveys in the Southern Ocean using ship-based helicopters | Sheidat, M, Friedlaender, AS, Kock K-H, Lehnert, L, Boebel, O, Roberts, J, and Williams, R | 2011 | Polar Biology | DOI |
Mammalian migration record: implications for the recovery of an endangered species | Robbins, J, Dalla Rossa, L, Allen, JM, Matilla, DK, Secchi, ER, Friedlaender, AS, Stevick, PT, Nowacek, DP | 2011 | Endangered Species Research | DOI |
Linking inter-annual variability in sea ice conditions and available breeding habitat for harp seals to large-scale climatic indices across the North Atlantic | Friedlaender, AS, Johnston DW, Halpin PN | 2010 | Progress in Oceanography | DOI |
An exceptional sighting of a large group of Arnoux’s beaked whales (Berardius arnouxi) in the Gerlache Strait, Antarctica | Friedlaender, AS, et al. 2010 | 2010 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Shallow and deep lunge feeding of humpback whales off the West Antarctic Peninsula | Ware, C., Friedlaender, AS, and Nowacek D.P. | 2010 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Diel changes in foraging behavior of humpback whales relative to prey distribution | Friedlaender, AS, et al. | 2009 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
Linking 3-dimensional prey aggregations to fine scale foraging patterns of Humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary | Hazen E.L., Friedlaender, A.S., et al. | 2009 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
The effects of prey demography on cetacean community structure around the Western Antarctic Peninsula | Friedlaender, A.S., W.R. Fraser, D. Patterson, S.S. Qian, P.N. Halpin | 2008 | Polar Biology | DOI |
Evidence of resource partitioning between humpback and minke whales in the Antarctic | Friedlaender, A.S., G.L. Lawson, and P.N. Halpin | 2008 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Distribution of whales in relation to prey and oceanographic processes in the inner shelf waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula | Friedlaender, A.S. et al. | 2006 | Marine Ecology Progress Series | DOI |
Variation in ice cover on the east coast of Canada, 1969-2002: climate variability and implications for harp and hooded seals | Johnston, D.W., A.S. Friedlaender, L.G. Torres, and D.M. Lavigne | 2005 | Journal of Climate Research | DOI |
Malignant seminoma with metastisis, sertoli cell tumor, and phaeochromocytoma in a spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) and malignant seminoma with metastasis in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus | Estep, J.S…A.S. Friedlaender | 2005 | Veterinary Pathology | DOI |
Seasonal variability in whale encounters in the Western Antarctic Peninsula | Thiele, D….A.S. Friedlaender | 2004 | Deep-Sea Research | DOI |
Reproductive Seasonality of Western Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins off North Carolina, USA | Thayer, V.G…A.S. Friedlaender | 2003 | Marine Mammal Science | DOI |
Bottlenose Dolphin and Gillnet Interactions In Southeastern North Carolina | Friedlaender, A.S., W.A. McLellan, and D.A. Pabst | 2002 | Journal of Cetacean Research and Management | DOI |
Analysis of Bottlenose Dolphin Strandings Along the U.S. Atlantic Coast, 1972-1997 | McLellan, W.A., A.S. Friedlaender, J.G. Mead, C.W. Potter, and D.A. Pabst | 2002 | Journal of Cetacean Research and Management | DOI |